Wednesday, September 06, 2006


some quizy i got frm frenstr bulletin board. ;DD im bored

*what made u smile ytd?

*what were u doing at 8 this morning.
- dreamg.
{ oh ya. i dreamt of mrMAH. =x his hair turned gold nd cool . plus during eng he wans us play volleyball nd such. =x }

*something happend t u in 1995?
- hw can i rmb luh?!

* last thing u said out alout
- kaopeh la

*hw many different things u drank todae?
- 3

* where's ur best fren right nw?
- singapore =x

* what colour is ur toothbrush.
- blue. (;

* what is out at ur backdoor.
- no backdoor. nt so rich . xD

* the last thing u bought.
- hmmms.carn rmb. xD

* last gift u recieved for birthday.
- dun rmb.

* what color is ur front door.
- brown.

* whr do u keep ur change.
- err. pocket. bag. anywhr which is easy t slot. xD

* whats d weather like todae?
- hot

* best ice cream flavour
- raspberry.

* something ure excitd abt.
- talkg w KINGGG.

* last rainbow u saw
- 345365445 yrs ago.

* what shoe size do u wear?
- 7 , 7.5 , 8 it all depends. hahaha

* do u haf any sister.
- one.

* are u v random
- ok la

* do u want t cut ur hair?
- thinng maybe?

* are u over 22?
- im still young

* do u talk alot
- depends lo. see my mood. see the person.

* what day does ur skool end this yr
- dno la.

* do u knw anyone calld steve?
- yups. my IDIOTIC , BIASED but quite good brthr. (;


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